
We deal almost exclusively in the arts and so we have a solid understanding of practices and activities that work, and those which do not.

Whichever way you go, we can advise on avenues that will help to develop the business so that it is financially successful and sustainable.

In addition to the provision of advice to clients, we regularly deliver lectures and floor talks to artists, musicians, writers and others on matters relating to arts businesses, arts organisations and others, across Australia.

We are also volunteers for advice sessions conducted by the Arts Law Centre of Queensland and Youth Arts Queensland.

Our workshops are highly regarded for content and entertainment value.

We are very familiar with the types of claims that are deductible and, equally importantly, those that are not. We can advise you on better record keeping practices, substantiation requirements, entitlement to the artist averaging provisions and non-commercial loss provisions exposure. We can also discuss the appropriateness of GST and PAYG registration, and the Simplified Tax System, issues surrounding the most suitable entity structure for your situation, and other complex tax matters including, for example, overseas income streams.

In an arts context, these are all familiar questions and we can provide the answers in a language you will understand.